1. Why use bacteria to produce dyes?
We love bacteria and so will you. It’s a smart way to produce dyes. These dyes are based on 100% biological material.
2. Do all bacteria produce colour, and why do they do it?
Most bacteria do not produce dyes. The functions of these dyes vary from one species to another and are mainly involved in development, reproduction and protection against external stress.
3. Are these dyes organic?
Yes, they all originated in nature and remain unchanged.
4. Are the bacteria alive on the fabric?
Only the colour made from bacteria is used to dye the textiles.
5. Where do the bacteria come from?
Bacteria occur in various places around you in nature, for example, they can be found in the air, soil or in water.
6. Why use colour made from bacteria?
What are the advantages of using these colours?
Because it’s the smartest, environmentally friendliest and most resource-saving way to produce colour. No agricultural surface is needed, and no expensive commodity such as ores or crude oil is needed. Bacteria can be stored as stems in laboratories and then anytime multiplied. There is also a huge positive climate impact because of almost no CO2 emission during the whole production process.
7. What kind of materials can be dyed with this product?
Natural textiles(originating from plants and animals), as well as synthetic textile fibres, have been successfully dyed with our colours. Cotton, silk, wool, and polyester are some of the common known examples, but dyeing of novel materials has also shown to be successful. Not only textiles can be dyed, but fibres and yarns as well.
8. Can I already order the Vienna Textile Lab colour?
Where can I buy it?
No, it is not possible to order or buy our colour yet, but we are intensively working on it! Please stay connected and follow us on social media to get informed about Vienna Textile Lab news!
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